N3 is a portable device designed to facilitate Nordic Hamstring exercise & to measure eccentric and isometric knee flexors strength
N3 Nordic Hamstring testing Device
N3 by Easytech
According to the last surveys in at least two-thirds of knee flexors injuries could be avoided by increasing the eccentric strength of hamstrings.
The Nordic Hamstring Exercise, colloquially known as “Nordic” or “NHE” is an eccentric strengthening exercise of the posterior muscles of the thigh.
From a kneeling position and with ankles secured, the subject performs a forward falling action controlling the fall by activating the muscles.
Eccentric mode
With the ankles secured in the appropriate ankle device, in a kneeling position over a padded cushion for knee support, lower yourself as much as you can resisting the fall against the ground for as long as possible before placing your hands on the floor.
Isometric mode
With the ankles secured in the appropriate ankle device lying on the padded board, support yourself with your hands or forearms on the ground and push with the ankles upward.
Allows greater muscle activation.
Generates a significant increase in peak force in eccentric mode.
Causes a modification of the force-length relationship useful to avoid micro-injuries from eccentric, fast and intense stress.